To get our best rate, make sure you’re signed into your LTP Club account . Haven’t joined yet? Click here to sign up!

Must book in the future

Booking a reservation guarantees your vehicle a parking space at our facility for the dates listed above. YOUR QUOTE IS AN ESTIMATE based on the departure and return dates and times YOU put on your reservations. Price quoted is based on a 24 HOUR period plus taxes and fees.

Changes in either the DATES or TIMES you actually park and return may affect final charges. Rates, surcharges, coupons, discounts, and taxes, are subject to change without notice.

We charge PER PARKING SPOT. 1 SPOT 1 car. If your vehicle is so large that it makes it impossible for a car on either side of you to get in and out of their car, you may be charged for a second spot. Please park straight and centered between the lines.